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Principal's Message

Skill & knowledge development are the driving force behind the financial growth of the country. Skill building is a powerful tool to empower individual and improve their social status. If we have to promote the development of our country, our mission should be “Skill Development” of the youths.

So, as a part of this mission, PARVATI Pvt. ITI Rewa has been engaged in producing the skilled workforce since 2017 by imparting “hands on, minds on & hearts on” training to the youth professional. We are committed to produce industry ready, work ready & future ready skilled workforce to support the national economy by the dedicated efforts of qualified faculties.

We are determined to produce skilled manpower from ITIs of Rewa Madhya Pradesh in a brand. “Skilled in Madhya Pradesh” go global.

Mr. Ajay singh

Role Models

Dibyajyoti Behera

Dibyajyoti Behera is the daughter of a small-time trader of Borapada Village in Dhenkanal district who wanted to get employed at the earliest to share the financial burden of her father...

Joining the industrial Training Institute, Dhenkanal, which was close home, was the best option for her after HSC. She did the Electricaian course but the institute also provided basic computer training along with technical education which helped her get a job easily. She completed the course in 2016 and is now a Data Entry Operator at the Block Office, Dhenkanal. Dibyajyoti is a hardworking girl and her family now looks up to her for everything.

Priyadarsini Parida

When Priyadarsini Parida of Gurudijhatia village in Cuttack district failed to score the marks she had expected in +2 Science, she knew joining at ITI would be the best for her as she lost the tempo...

to appear in other competitive examinations. She had the ardour for technical education and the Government ITI Dhenkanal gave her the opportunity to enhance her inherent potential. Today, Priyadarsini's family is happy with her decision. In two years, her course in Electronics Mechanic was complete (2010) and she got a job immediately. She is now a Hardware Faculty at CTTC, Bhubaneswar. Skill training at the ITI ensured a secure future for her.

Maheswar Sahoo

Maheswar Sahoo of Village Nadiali, Dhenkanal District. His father is a farmer having limited source of income. Due to poor financail status he was compelled to continue ITI tra

He has completed Electrician trade in 2016 at Govt. ITI Dhenkanal. At present he is working as a Technical Attendant at Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Paradep Haldia Baruni division in the scale of pay 10,500/-to 24,500/- per month

Samir Muduli

Samir Muduli of Village Kujanga in Jagatsinghpur district belongs to a very poor family. His father is a farmer having 1 acre of farming land.

Due to financial problem he couldn't opted for higher study after passing the HSC Examination and decided to continue ITI eductaion which would make him employable in short period of training. Govt. ITI Dhenkanal gave him an opperunity to enhance his inherent potential.

Swapnita Sucharita Rout

Mrs. Swapnita Sucharita Rout of village Siminai of Dhenkanal district. Her father is a retired person. With limited pension amount it was hardship for her father to maintain the family burden of 5 children.

She complted Electronics Mehanic trade as 1st batch in 1999 at this institute. Then she completed higher study i.e Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunicaion Engineering from Govt. polytecnic Dhenkanal. Currently she working as Technical Officer at LRDE, Banglore (A Laboratory of DRDO Govt. of India).

About The Institute

PARVATI Pvt. ITI is a state of art training center located at NH-7 Road Ratahara Rewa which is about 2 km away from the Rewa New bus satand in Madhya Pradesh State which is spread over an area of 740 sqm. of Land.

The Institute has been accorded proposed affiliation by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT), Govt of India, and Ministry of labour; Directorate General Employment & Training (DGT). The institute offers certificate courses in Trade Electrician & Fitter (NSQF) 2 years.

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Our Mission

To provide training through extensive and innovative use of technology as per the DGE&T norms.

To nurture talent stimulate thinking, impart skill and create competent and inspired skilled work force.

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Vission 2025

To be valued as a coveted training Institute for nurturing talent, imparting skill based quality training and promoting advancement of knowledge by creating responsible skilled work force who will help to build a progressive and developed nation.

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Notice Board

Campus Notice
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Apprenticeship Notice
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Quotation Call Notice
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Admission Notice
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